Frequently Asked Questions
About SingleKey ID
What is SingleKey ID?
SingleKey ID is a digital identity platform that allows you to access different partner company offerings, such as websites, shops, apps and services with one single login.
Why should I use SingleKey ID?
SingleKey ID allows you to log in to many online offers of partner companies with only one login so you will no longer have to memorize multiple passwords and user names.
What do I need to be aware of when switching to SingleKey ID?
If you previously signed up at a partner company application that now offers SingleKey ID as new login option, please be sure to use the same email address when switching.
Do all websites and apps of the partner companies use SingleKey ID?
No, not necessarily. There may be some partner company websites, shops, apps and services that are not or not yet using SingleKey ID.
Which features are provided by SingleKey ID and which by partner companies?
SingleKey ID allows you to log in to many different applications of partner companies with your one digital key. Offerings from individual partner companies may differ. They are determined by company-specific offerings, the products and apps you use, your location, the availability of warranties and further conditions.
What is the relationship between SingleKey ID and their partner companies?
SingleKey ID is used by partner companies to allow customers in order to log in to their websites and apps. For more information, please have a look at our Terms of Use.
Can I use the SingleKey ID offline?
No, in order to sign up or log in with SingleKey ID you need a working internet connection.
What is the relation between SingleKey ID and the Home Connect app?
Among further partners and their services, SingleKey ID can be used to access the Home Connect App. In order to use all of the Home Connect App functionalities, you might need a Home Connect®-compatible device in addition.
How do I sign up for SingleKey ID?
At first you must provide an email address or mobile phone number that is not yet signed up with SingleKey ID. When proceeding with ,Continue' you will be prompted to a information screen that confirms that there is no existing SingleKey ID for the entered email address or mobile phone number. In the following you must set a password for your SingleKey ID and accept our ,Terms of Use'. An email or text message containing a 6-digit security code will be sent you. After entering the correct security code, you will be redirect back to your desired partner application. Congratulations - your signup for SingleKey ID was successful.
Why is my chosen password not accepted?
Your password must contain at least: 1 digit, 1 upper- and lowercase character, 8 characters.
Why have I not received a security code?
If you have not received an email or text message containing the security code for verification, proceed as follows: Please make sure that the email address or mobile phone number displayed in the browser, to which we have sent the security code, does not contain any typing errors. In the second step, you enforce another sending attempt by clicking on the "send again" link beneath the input field where the security code must be entered. Furthermore, please wait at least 15 minutes to make sure that the security code email or text message has been processed properly by our system. Please also ensure that you have a proper internet connection to access your email inbox and enough signal to receive text messages. Please also search your mail inbox for our sender email address '' and make sure to check folders such as 'Unknown', 'SPAM', 'Social' or 'Promotion', if necessary.
Why is the security code not accepted?
Please note that the expiration time of the security code is set to 30 minutes when sent by email and 10 minutes when sent by text message. Furthermore, only the latest security code requested is valid to protect your SingleKey ID against misuse.
How do I sign up for SingleKey ID if I am redirected to the login page?
If you are redirected to the login page to enter your password after providing your email address or phone number, it means that you have previously already signed up for a SingleKey ID. It is important to note that SingleKey ID was previously known as Bosch ID. Your login details have been seamlessly transferred to SingleKey ID. Consequently, after entering your email address, you will be directly taken to the login screen instead of going through the signup process. For further information about the transition from Bosch ID to SingleKey ID, please refer to this announcement.
If you can't remember your previously chosen password, please reset it by following the this FAQ.
If you can't remember your previously chosen password, please reset it by following the this FAQ.
Can I categorize my SingleKey ID into business or private use?
In order to separate a private account from a business account, you are currently required to sign up two different SingleKey ID's (with two different email addresses or mobile phone numbers).
Can I sign up only for a single partner company with SingleKey ID?
You can sign up for a single partner company through a website, shop, app or service using SingleKey ID. If you want to register for a different partner company later, you can log in there with your existing SingleKey ID (email address or mobile phone number and password). Another account with this partner might be created only when you actually log in there for the first time. You may be asked to provide further information to the partner company in order to use specific websites or apps.
Why do I need to complete application-specific signup process?
SingleKey ID only collects your email address or mobile phone number and password during sign up. However, some partner applications require additional information in order to offer their services to you (e.g. your postal address) and ask for this information in an additional step after or before logging in with SingleKey ID.
Why do I have to provide both email address and mobile phone number?
Some SingleKey ID partner companies might require both your email address and mobile phone number. In this case and depending on what factor you initially chose as preferred signup option, you will be asked to either add your email address or mobile phone number. This will only happen if you are trying to sign up and log in to a partner company application that actually required both of these information.
How do I properly log in using SingleKey ID?
After you enter your email address or mobile phone number that you used to sign up for SingleKey ID, you will be redirected to the login screen where you can enter your chosen password. After successful login, you will then be redirected to the particular partner application where you started the login process. Please make sure that you always start the login process from the respective partner application. In particular, avoid accessing the SingleKey ID login page via browser bookmarks, as this may result in errors or a non-functioning login page.
Do I need to provide my login credentials each time when trying to log in to partner applications?
No - you have an option during the login process when entering the password to click the checkbox ‚Stay logged in‘. By doing so, this keeps you logged in for 30 days for the specific device where the login process was conducted. However, please note that when logging out this configuration is reset.
Why do I have to provide a security code during login?
In this case you activated two-step authentication for your SingleKey ID. To manage your two-step authentication settings, please follow this FAQ.
Why is the login to SingleKey ID failing?
If the login is not possible, check the following points: Make sure you entered your email address or mobile phone number and password correctly. Check your internet connection. On mobile devices, you will need an internet connection with a minimum requirement an EDGE connection (marked with an 'E' on the reception bar). Faster connections are appreciated based on our experience though.
How can I make sure that my typed password is correct?
You can check the password through showing it in plaintext (,eye' symbol) and login again.
Why does my SingleKey ID not exist despite I have already signed up?
If you have not confirmed your SingleKey ID creation by entering a valid security code, your signup attempt will be deleted shortly after. You may have also deleted your SingleKey ID in the past. In both cases, please start another sign up attempt from scratch.
Why does my saved bookmark link to SingleKey ID login not work?
You should not have saved the login page in the browser as a bookmark. Instead always start the login process from the corresponding partner company application where would like to to log in.
How can I reset my password?
After providing your email address or mobile phone number you used to sign up for SingleKey ID, you are prompted to the login and asked to enter your chosen password in the following screen. On this screen you will see a ,Forgot password' link that allows you resetting your password. Please note that you will need access to your email inbox or text messages in order to be able to reset the password properly. Please set your password in alignment with our password policy.
How can I reset my password?
After providing your email address or mobile phone number you used to sign up for SingleKey ID, you are prompted to the login and asked to enter your chosen password in the following screen. On this screen you will see a ,Forgot password' link that allows you resetting your password. Please note that you will need access to your email inbox or phone in order to be able to reset the password properly. After providing the security code that was either delivered via email or text message, you will be able to set a new password. Please set your password in alignment with our password policy.
Why have I not received a security code?
If you have not received an email or text message containing the security code for verification, proceed as follows: Please make sure that the email address or mobile phone number displayed in the browser, to which we have sent the security code, does not contain any typing errors. In the second step, you enforce another sending attempt by clicking on the "send again" link beneath the input field where the security code must be entered. Furthermore, please wait at least 15 minutes to make sure that the security code email or text message has been processed properly by our system. Please also ensure that you have a proper internet connection to access your email inbox and enough signal to receive text messages. Please also search your mail inbox for our sender email address '' and make sure to check folders such as 'Unknown', 'SPAM', 'Social' or 'Promotion', if necessary.
Why is the security code not accepted?
Please note that the expiration time of the security code is set to 30 minutes when sent by email and 10 minutes when sent by text message. Furthermore, only the latest security code requested is valid to protect your SingleKey ID against misuse.
Why do I have to provide two security codes?
In this case you activated two-step authentication for your SingleKey ID. When starting the password reset via mobile phone number, you will at first receive a text message and in the following email containing a respective security code each. When starting the password reset via email address, the security codes are provided in vice versa order. To manage your two-step authentication settings, please follow this FAQ.
How can I change my password?
To change your password, please log in to the SingleKey ID website. Then go to the ‚My Profile‘ section and click ‚Change password‘.
How can I make sure that my typed password is correct?
You need to check the password through showing it in plaintext (,eye' symbol) and log in again.
What is the SingleKey ID password policy?
Your password must contain at least: 1 digit, 1 upper- and lowercase character, 8 characters.
Two-Step Authentication
Why should I use two-step authentication?
Using two-step authentication provides an additional layer of security for your SingleKey ID. It requires you to provide not only a password but also a security code sent to your email address or mobile phone. In case of leaked passwords, the second factor serves as an additional security barrier. It is a simple and effective way to significantly increase the overall security and to protect your SingleKey ID against misuse.
How can I activate two-step authentication?
To activate two-step authentication, please log in to the SingleKey ID website. Then go to the ‚My Profile‘ section and click ‚Two-step authentication‘ to activate it.
Where does two-step authentication apply?
As soon as you enabled two-step authentication for your SingleKey ID, you will have to provide a security code with each login as well as password reset.
How can I deactivate two-step authentication?
To deactivate two-step authentication, please log in to the SingleKey ID website. Then go to the ‚My Profile‘ section and click ‚Two-step authentication‘ to deactivate it.
What can I do if I have lost my phone?
It is essential to quickly react if you lost your mobile phone to prevent potential unauthorized access to your SingleKey ID and all your personal data linked in SingleKey ID partner company applications. Please contact your mobile provider and ask them to immediately suspend SIM card to protect your SingleKey ID against misuse. We are currently working on secure recovery options and thank you for your patience.
Manage SingleKey ID
Where can I manage my SingleKey ID?
To change the data associated with your SingleKey ID, please log in to the SingleKey ID website. In the ‚My Profile‘ section, you can change your email address or mobile phone number and password as well as trigger the deletion of your SingleKey ID.
How can I change my email address or mobile phone number?
To change your email address or mobile phone number, log in to the SingleKey ID website. Then navigate to the 'My Profile' section and select 'Edit email address' or 'Edit mobile phone number'. Please note that the change will only be successful if the new email address or mobile phone number is not already associated with an existing SingleKey ID. After submitting the change, you will receive an email or text message containing a 6-digit security code. After entering the correct security code, your new email address or mobile phone number will be validated. Please note that you will need access to your email inbox or phone to change your email address or mobile phone number.
Why have I not received a security code?
If you have not received an email or text message containing the security code for verification, proceed as follows: Please make sure that the email address or mobile phone number displayed in the browser, to which we have sent the security code, does not contain any typing errors. In the second step, you enforce another sending attempt by clicking on the "send again" link beneath the input field where the security code must be entered. Furthermore, please wait at least 15 minutes to make sure that the security code email or text message has been processed properly by our system. Please also ensure that you have a proper internet connection to access your email inbox and enough signal to receive text messages. Please also search your mail inbox for our sender email address '' and make sure to check folders such as 'Unknown', 'SPAM', 'Social' or 'Promotion', if necessary.
Why is the security code not accepted?
Please note that the expiration time of the security code is set to 30 minutes when sent by email and 10 minutes when sent by text message. Furthermore, only the latest security code requested is valid to protect your SingleKey ID against misuse.
How can I change my password?
To change your password, please log in to the SingleKey ID website. Then go to the ‚My Profile‘ section and click ‚Change password‘.
Where can I manage my two-step authentication settings?
To manage your two-step authentication settings, please log in to the SingleKey ID website. Then go to the ‚My Profile‘ section and click ‚Two-step authentication‘. Please also ensure that both the email address and mobile phone number highlighted in bold correct. Only activate if those details are in your possession.
How do I delete my SingleKey ID?
To delete your SingleKey ID, please log in to the SingleKey ID website. Then go to the ‚My Profile‘ section and click ‚Delete your entire SingleKey ID‘.
Thereby, all connected partner company websites and apps are removed, entailing a deletion request to them. This may cause data loss in all your connected accounts. Depending on the application this may include documents like guarantee certificates and invoices, but also smart home routines or smart device history data. Before deleting your entire ID, please make sure to backup all information you may want to keep.
How can I merge two SingleKey IDs?
When you log in to applications and enter application-specific data (e.g. delivery address) or apply for permissions (e.g. to access the application at all), this data/permission is linked to the particular SingleKey ID that was used for the login.
Generally, two cases could appear when you ask to merge SingleKey IDs:
1) You created two SingleKey IDs and logged into one specific application with both SingleKey IDs.
2) You created two SingleKey IDs and logged into multiple different applications with both SingleKey IDs.
This always needs to be clarified with the respective application(s) for each case individually. If the data was merged according to your desire, you can delete the SingleKey ID via the SingleKey ID ,My Profile' that should not be used in future anymore.
Where can I change my personal data such as my residential address or last name?
Some applications integrated with SingleKey ID are requiring additionally a subsequent activation or further specific information for the usage of their application or website like providing your residential address etc. If your inquiry refers to specific application settings, please reach out support teams respectively for the application in which you are trying to change your personal data.
Legal & Privacy
How does SingleKey ID deal with privacy?
SingleKey ID is fully compliant to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For further information on that topic, please visit our Privacy Policy.
Where is my data stored?
Your SingleKey ID user data is stored on secure servers located in Europe. Data specifically collected and used by partner websites, apps, products and services are not hosted by SingleKey ID. Please contact the corresponding partner company to get further information on specific data storage and data security.
Is my data secure with SingleKey ID?
Your data is secured according to high regulative standards. For further information on that topic, please visit our Privacy Policy.
Where can I see what data SingleKey ID has stored about me?
SingleKey ID is just the identity provider that enables you to easily signup and login to applications connected with SingleKey ID. For this purpose SingleKey ID only needs your email address or mobile phone number and password chosen by you. Beside this information, SingleKey ID will not ask you for any further personal data. You can manage your personal data being stored by SingleKey ID in the ,My Profile'.
To get access and manage the data stored by partners using SingleKey ID, visit the respective partner website or contact the partner's support channel.
What data is SingleKey ID transferring to partner companies?
We transfer your data stored with SingleKey ID (e.g. email address, mobile phone number or technical user ID) to applications from our partner companies during login. We also inform SingleKey ID partner company applications about an update of this data. Under no circumstances will your password be transmitted to partner companies. For more information on this topic, please see our Privacy Policy.
Is my business-related or further personal data automatically transferred towards SingleKey ID?
The specific data of your partner accounts (business-related or further personal data) will not be transferred to SingleKey ID. SingleKey ID allows you to log in and get access to data stored by a partner company – it does not host specific data of a company itself. This all data collected by the partner company. In order to access your additionally stored data, log in to the corresponding accounts of the partner company using SingleKey ID.
Why do I need to solve CAPTCHA during signup or login?
SingleKey ID ensures the safety and security of your data. CAPTCHA (short for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart") serves as a protective barrier against unauthorized remote access, ensuring that only humans and not a computer with the correct password can gain entry to your SingleKey ID.
CAPTCHA test consists of two parts: a distorted image with random characters and a text box. To prove you are human, type the characters seen in the image into the text box. You'll encounter CAPTCHA when we are registering too many attempts from one connection.
If you have trouble with the CAPTCHA image, you can load a new image using the "reload" icon or try again later.
What measures help if an error message appears on my screen?
If you are facing an error message on the domain, proceed as follows: Please ensure you have not saved the SingleKey ID login and signup page as browser bookmark. Instead, please always start the login or signup process from the respectve application of your choice. In addition, please clear the browser cache & cookies for web applications or application cache for native apps.
If you are facing an error message after signup or login, please contact the respective partner application support for further steps to resolve this problem together.
What can I do if the SingleKey ID pages are not reacting properly?
If any SingleKey ID page is not reacting properly (e.g. when clicking on buttons like "login" or "save" but nothing happens), proceed as follows: Please re-start the action (e.g. login or password change) you want to perform from scratch - make sure to close the browser once before doing so. Also please ensure to check for updates of the application or web browser. Finally, please try to perform the desired action of your choice in another web browser.
How can I contact customer service for services or products I use?
You can contact the customer support for specific services, products or devices of partner companies via corresponding support channels on their websites or apps.
Where can I register purchased home appliances?
Please log in with SingleKey ID at to register your home appliances. For all support cases related to the home appliance registrations and further information, please reach out to the customer support on our partner's website.
How can I connect home appliances within the Home Connect app?
You can connect your home appliances within the Home Connect app which can be downloaded from all common app stores. For all support cases related to Home Connect and not regarding your login or signup with SingleKey ID, please fill in the contact form at
Where can I register purchased Bosch tools?
Please log in with SingleKey ID at to register your Bosch tool. For all support cases related to the tool registration and handling of your tool(s), please reach out to the Bosch DIY customer support on our partner's website.
How can i register my device for warranty extension or discount promotions?
After successful login to the partner website or app, you can manage your data and register any purchases for promotions of partner companies. For any questions or problems of registering your product, please contact the corresponding support team of the respective application where these kind of registrations are done. Please also note that the SingleKey ID security code is used only once for SingleKey ID account creation and cannot be used for any kind of device registrations, warranty claims or discount promotions.